
Below are the stones used in our products ant their meanings. Click of the name of the stone and it will direct you to page with all the products using that stone.


 Stone Meanings
Agate            Love, Abundance, Wealth, Good luck, Longevity, Acceptance, Courage and strength, Protection security and safety, Balance, Harmony, Generosity, Appreciation of nature, Good relationship, Rebalancing and harmonizing body / mind and spirit
 AmazoniteStone of opportunity and hope, Heals the wounds of the heart, Physical and emotional balance, Confidence, Communication skills, Dream comes true
 AmethystNobility, Amulet, Healing, Attentive mind, Peaceful sleep, Amplifying and expanding talent, Guardian stone of love
 AngeliteNotice the important things, Love stone, Allow forgiveness, Flow like the water, Self-renewal, Heal and comfort, Free from fear and anxiety
 AnhydriteCourage, Stability, Freedom, Hope, Originality, Good relationship, Leadership
 AquamarineStone of love, Wealth luck, Courage, Refresh, Purity, Physically and emotional cleansing, Positive power, Ability of communication
 AventurineComforts, Harmonizes, Protects the heart, Help attract love later in life, Good luck, Abundance, Success, Working through unresolved emotional issues
 AzuriteComforting, Decision making, Kindness, Patience, Self-confidence and self-worth, worrying, Aura balancing, Clairvoyance, Communication and connecting with higher self, Meditation
 Black SpinelAmulet, Emotional balance, Stability, Boost motivation, Immunity, Luck in money, Wisdom, Success in life
 Black TourmalineStrength, Relieves stress, Healing, Charm, Removes evil spirits, Health, Avoid troubles, Mental strength, Positive, Ability to get things done, Endurance
 Blue ApatiteFocus and concentration, Unconditional love, Communication, Harmony, Creativity, Great for public speaking, Healing, Purification
 Blue Lace AgateMarriage luck, Marital happiness, Wealth, Inner peace, Positive thinking, Popularity, New friendships, Calmness, Family closeness, Lucky news to come
 Blue Tiger’s EyeDecisions and moving forward, Insight, Intuition, Money, Realization of a great ambition, Repel evil
 Burma JadeAffection, Friendship, Maintain good health, Boost luck in game, Power to sleep, Peace and calmness to the heart
 CalciteConcentration, Good luck, Positive power, New life, Success, Prosperity, Luck of money, Strong purification
 Candy JadeHealing, Enrich the love, Fortune, Peace, Improvement in relationships
 CarnelianEnergetic, Positive power, Love relationship, Curiosity, Improve general ability, Opening business, Luck in career, Leadership
 Cat’s EyeCompassion, Tolerance, Reliability, Creativity, Stress relief, Healing power, Intuitive power, Positive thinking, Better fortune, Overall ability
 ChalcedonyHealing, Free from anxiety, Good relationships, Flexibility, Optimistic
 CharoiteCreativity and creative expression, Dispel or release negativity, Unconditional love, Clarity, Insight, Mental clarity, Synchronicity, Truth
 Cherry QuartzGood luck, Ease your soul, Potential ability, Luck in good health, Work improvement, Luck with money, Heals the wounded heart, Positivity, Luck in romance
 CitrineWealth, Luck in finance, Youth, Health, Success in business, Confidence, People person, Relieves the stress, Vitality
 CoralSymbol of happiness, Vitality, Perpetual youth and longevity, Amulet, Children’s charm, Remove the negative mind, Emotional balance
 Cracked AmethystNobility, Amulet, Healing, Attentive mind, Peaceful sleep, Amplifying and expanding talent, Guardian stone of love
 Cracked QuartzActivate energy, Counteract negative energy, Adjust energy balance, Strengthen the owner’s mental power
 Crazy Lace AgateConfidence to ease communication, Self-expression to release negative emotions such as anger, Develop the courage and ability to take action and become more pro-active, Brings longevity and health
 CrystalGives you potential ability, Imagination, Insight, Dreams come true, Meditation, Healing, Boost other power stones, Purification, Luck in love, Boost overall luck, Attracts positive people and avoids the negatives
 Druzy AgateGives you potential ability, Imagination, Insight, Meditation, Healing, Purification, Luck in love, Boost overall luck
 DolomiteCourage, Active, Motivation, Vitality
 Eagle’s EyeSee through evil, Exorcise the evil, Amulet, Luck in money, Business, Game winner, Decision making, High insight power, Good luck, Health, Symbol of hero, Adjust blood pressure, Natural treatment power
 EmeraldLove, Romance, Joy, Cleansing, Intuition, Clairvoyance, Faith, Serenity, Intelligence, Clear vision, Truth, Memory and communication, Physical and emotional healing
 Eyed GlazeGood luck to stay off the evil spirits, Peace of mind, Positive mind, Humility
 FluoriteDenial, Dispel or release negativity, Emotional balance, Honesty, Enhances intuition, Grounding, Healing, Manifestation
 GarnetHidden passion, Friendship, Lead to steady success, Harmony and love for family, Bring new born to life, Brings energy
 Golden Rutilated QuartzAbility to concentrate, Mental strength, Embody of goal and dream, Move forward, Strength in game, Luck with money, Good luck, Good work, Luck with family, Better fortune, Passion, Belief, Inspiration, Ideas, Self-confidence, Judgment, Calmness
 Golden Tiger’s EyeLuck of money, Good work, Strength in game, Strength in making decisions, Raising insights, Remove evil mind, Amulet, Luck to be popular
 Green AventurineRelease from negative feelings and thinking, Kindness, Insight, Adjust autonomic nerve, Recovering extortion, Relieves stress, Healthy life style
 Green GarnetPower, Elegance, Victory, Symbol of maturity, Brings a profound effect when meeting new people
 Green Sandstone (Artificial Stone)Brings opportunity’s one after another, Brings fate with encounter (people & situations). Powered by the stone, Calm the negative feelings and bring positivity
 Green Tiger’s EyeEnforce mental strength, Give courage to move forward, Amulet to avoid evil energy, Charge energy shortage, See the truth
 HematiteGame winner, Strong mentality, Stray evil spirits, Healthy body and soul, Good fortune, Luck in gamble, Prevention of cheating
 HowlitePurification of the mind and body, Cleanses the soul, Self-renewal, Positive power
 JadeGood luck in preventing disaster, Protection with safety, Success of the business, Calmness (red, brown, pink) / Problem-solving with anger (blue, green, yellow), Strong protection, Calm decision making
 JadeiteAbundance and prosperity, Harmony, Love, Relationships, Lucid dreaming
 JasperRelaxed, Stabilize emotional balance, Courage and confidence, Enhance insight, Luck in game
Love, Health, Money, Good relationship, Energy, Heal
 KunziteUnconditional love, Peace of mind deeply, Mind of the affection, Stabilize the balance of feelings, Mother love, Strengthen fortitude, Good relationships, Get trust
 KyaniteCommunication and expression, Public speaking, Reducing stress or tension, Tranquility, Aligns chakras, Enhancing psychic abilities, Meditation, Release and dispel negativity
 LabradoriteInspiration, Goal, Maintain the balance of aura, Potential ability, Healing your past, Luck of money, Success of work, Luck of gamble, Soulmate, Beauty
 Lapis LazuliTake away evil thoughts, Strong luck, Leadership, Suppress negative emotions, Happy marriage, Lasting love
 LarimarStone of love and peace, Good relationships, Harmony and sense of corporation, Positive, Mental and physical healing, Bring joy in life, calm, Eliminate jealousy and negative mind, curiosity
 LavaBlessings of nature, Power of the nature, Relaxation
 Lavender AmethystNobility, Amulet, Healing, Attentive mind, Peaceful sleep, Amplifying and expanding talent, Guardian stone of love
 Lemon QuartzPurification, Heal, Playful, Ambition, Excite, Potential, Inspiration, Feeling of safety, Hope, Confidence, Calm
Anxiety, Bipolar disorder, Eases depression, Emotional balance, Emotional blockages, Emotional trauma, Mood swings, Panic attacks, Rage diffusing or release, Reducing stress or tension, Relaxation
 Lime JadeHealing, Harmony, Purification of negative energy, Rejects evil and curse, Highly effective on mental strength
 LimestoneHeal, Relieves stress and excludes past mistakes and calms nervousness
 MagnesiteAdaptation of force, Positive attitude, Good body circulation, Relieves fatigue, Positive power, Body activation, Stress divergence
 Moonstone Feldspar
Sensitivity, Intuition, Stabilize and balance the spirit, Relieves stress, Harmony in family, Sense cautious situations, Fulfillment of love, Happiness, Emotional stability
 MorganiteCoping with changes, Emotional release, Forgiveness, Love, Motivation, Reducing stress or Tension, Releasing toxic patterns or people, Self-acceptance, Self-care, Self-love, Unconditional love
 Mother of PearlBond with an important person, Become a tolerant person, Protects you from disaster, Charm of a pregnancy and child birth, Protects negative energy
 OnyxAmulet, Decisive, Active, Avoid trouble, Stimulate athletic abilities, Great encounter with people
Opal“Cupid’s stone”, Love, Passion, Desire, Freedom and independence, Freeing inhibitions, Self-confidence and realizing potential, Creativity and spontaneity, Wealth and good fortune
 PearlRelieves stress, Good luck charm, Avoid trouble, Clean, Good match, Sensibility, Maternity, Confidence, Beauty, Gentleness, Healing
 PeridotPositive, Trauma resolution, Smooth relationship, Goals, Inner beauty, Harmonious couple, Anger suppression, Tolerance, Attention, Stress, Wisdom
 Pink AventurineHappy marriage, Eliminates negative energy, Kindness to others, Recovery of exhaustion, Relieves stress, Maintain health
 Pink Coral
Happiness, Symbol of love, Vitality, Perpetual youth and longevity, Charm to protect you from evil, Amulet of child, Helps with pregnancy, Maintain the emotional balance
 Pink OpalBring out over-all beauty, Confidence, New relationships, Growth within love, Talent, Beautiful skin, Keep your mind calm, Purification of energy
Pink Sapphire
Love, Self-confidence and self-worth, Appreciation, Gratitude, Inspiration, Beauty, Decision making, Good luck, Amulet
Pink Tiger’s Eye
Good luck of money, Strength in game, Decision making, Amulet to avoid evil energy, Human relationships, Effective for love fulfillment and makes the love of the owner better, Increase love romance
 PrehniteMaintain emotional balance, Trauma resolution, Inspiration, Intuition, Communication skills, Vitality, Ability to get things done, Seeking truth from facts, Throwing away what you don’t need any more
Risk prediction, Risk avoiding, Staying away from disasters, Being positive, Grounding, Stress free, Amulet, Being healthy mentally and physically, Accomplishing goal
 QuartzOverall purification and cleansing, Power up the other stones
 QuartziteUnconditional love, Calmness, Maintain emotional balance, Good with people, Change of perspective, Gaining trust
 Red CoralSymbol of happiness, Vitality, Perpetual youth and longevity, Amulet, Children’s charm, Remove the negative mind, Emotional balance
 Red AgateBounds with family, Helps with pregnancy, Give power, Vitality, Self-confidence
 Red Tiger’s EyeLuck in money, Career, Decision making, Ability to take action, Insight, Go-getter, Avoid evil spirits
 RhodochrositeA new love and romance, Flame of love, Extract the charm, New encounter, Deep love and passion
Love, Friendship, Smooth relationships, Self-expressing, Confidence, Finding talent, Emotional stability, Physical and emotional balance, Stimulates metabolism
 Rose Quartz“Love stone”, Compassion, Enhancement of love, Beautiful skin, Removes fear and resentments, Traumas, Heals lack of love
RubyCourage, Dispel or release negativity, Emotional balance, Emotional stabilizing, Happiness, Inspiration, Passion, Self-confidence and self-worth, Trust, Self-love
 Rutilated QuartzCoping with phobias, Decision making, Discernment, Fear, Forgiveness, Happiness, Motivation, Self-control, Amplifying, Aura cleansing and clearing, Aura revitalizing, Clairvoyance, Past life recall
Anxiety, Communication and expression, Eases depression, Loyalty, Reducing stress or tension, Self-expression, Truth
SeleniteHelps shed anxiety and worry, Gifts clarity, Elevates the spirit, Promotes connection and camaraderie, Promotes peace and calm
SerpentineGain control over you own life, Integrate the past / present and future, Forgive yourself and demonstrate self-love, Let show you the pathway to wisdom
SilveriteSuccess, Pioneer, Achieving goals, Hope, Happiness, Positive thinking
Smokey QuartzPositive mind, Vigor, Preservice, Axis, Tranquility, Motivation, Goals, Ability to take action, Intuition, Good luck charm, Amulet, Purifying, Healing
Snowflake ObsidianMaintenance of love, Trouble shooting, Overcome adversity, Protect the soul from evil
SoapstoneGood relationship, Healing, Positive power
SodaliteEmotional balance, Overactive mind, Self-confidence and self-worth, Enhancing psychic abilities, Intuition, Spiritual growth
Sponge QuartzStrong healing power, Intuitive power, Heel’s tired soul, Emotional and physical balance
SunstoneSelf-respect, Gets rid of the inferiority complex mind, Brings confidence, Healthy sense of security, Margin of the heart, Suppress the emotional ups and downs, Motivation, Ability to take action, Potential, Inspiration
Communication and expression, Manifestation, Meditation
 Tiger’s EyeThe symbol of the third eye, Money, Career, Luck in challenges, Decision making, Enhance insight, Take away evil spirits, Brings popularity
 TurquoiseGood luck, Charm of safety and travels, Avoid evil spirits, Courage, Success, Prosperity, Stress-free
 Vesuvianite (Idocrase)Calming, Consolation, Eases depression, Reducing stress or tension, Releasing toxic patterns or people, Soothing, Meditation, Past life recall, Reducing negative energy
 White AgateLetting go of past attachments, Tranquility, Security, Healing, Tolerance, Righteous moral, Power of positive thinking
 White CoralMake luck last long, Enhance the ability to detect danger, Enhance family luck, Fill the gap between ideal and reality, Heal the wounds of the heart received in the past
 White QuartzPotential ability, Imagination, Insight, Achievement of desire, Meditation, Healing, Power-up other stones, Purification, Luck of love, Bring good people closed to you and keep away bad people for you
Yellow Apatite
Helps to neutralize any anger, Infuse you with greater self-confidence and courage, Enhances your feelings of self-worth, Positive and enthusiastic outlook on life, Overcome shyness